miércoles, 8 de julio de 2009

Article Analysis by Moni

This article is very interesting because it talks about different strategies and tips in order to enhance teachers’ leadership in the educational area. So, the text suggests that enhancing teacher leadership in schools can reach the following goals:
Improve teacher quality. The principal should take into account teachers’ needs in order to know where to start working on and satisfy those needs. So, leader teachers can help on that by suggesting some solutions by offering their professional learning experience, developing opportunities and evaluating the outcomes of the staff.
Improve student learning. It is necessary that every school has a leader teacher who has his focus on that outcome. This provides the basis or the objective and the reason to be reached.
Ensure that education reform efforts work. This talk about that teacher leader can support fellow teachers in order to grow together and to improve their teaching methods or strategies.
Recruit, retain, motivate, and reward accomplished teachers. Most of the teachers want to work in schools that are designed for them to be successful and in which they have influence on key decisions that affect instruction and student success. This is for them to feel more confident about their labor as professionals.
Provide opportunities to professional growth. It is very important for teachers that their work area provides them opportunities to grow. So it occurs when there is group work in general and when teachers are exposed to new ideas that can be practiced or tried at least.
Extend principal capacity. Teachers are the support that principals need sometimes because teachers represent useful, reliable, and professional people.
Create a more democratic school environment. This plays an important role into the school because here, the teacher leader provides the opportunity to students to negotiate and to set the rules into the classroom. So it allows a better communication and a closer relationship.
To conclude, I think that as future teachers we must be leaders and we should take into account all the experiences and all what we have learnt from them in order to grow as a person and as a professional in the educational area.
Sometimes it is necessary to recognize that we cannot do all things by ourselves, so we have to realize when do we need help from others and accept their point of view that surely will help us.

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