martes, 7 de julio de 2009

Chicken Run film Analysis by Moni


In the film, the main characters were the chickens, which are trapped on their farm and desperately want to escape. The problem they are facing is that if they do not produce any eggs for the week, Mr and Mrs Tweedy (the farm owners) will have their heads cut.

This shows that the chickens were always challenging because after every attempt, they failed and their time was running out. When it seemed like all their attempts have failed, an American rooster called Rocky fell into the farm but Ginger saw him flying. In that moment is when she realized that the only way left to run away now, was by flying. The chickens must learn the way of flying before time ran out.

According to the kinds of leadership which can be charismatic, transactional or transformational, I would like to describe the kind of leadership they had.

To start, the chicken (Ginger) was always enthusiastic, trying to motivate the others in order to reach their dream to run away from the farm. So, she was a transformational leader because she had a vision and she wanted the others to see the things as she did, in order to improve their life style. Although her plans not always worked well, she always had a hope that pushed her to never give up; she was the voice of all the chickens in the farm and she always realized what anyone was not.

On the other hand, the rooster (Rocky) had a charismatic leadership because the chickens admired him and wanted to do what only he knew to do: to fly.

The lady (Ms Tweedy) had some characteristics of a charismatic leader, such as strong convictions about vision and the ability to articulate vision. She did not matter whatever she needed to do in order to produce more in the farm and to be recognized for her ‘chicken pies’, and she shared that feeling to her helper (Mr Tweedy), who was who fixed everything that did not work well in the farm.

The chickens were always very organized because each of them knew what they had to do. The division of labors was very visible because they followed an order within their organization. As I could observe, the labors were divided according to the most predominant ability of each chicken. For example, when they were building the plane, the chicken delegated responsibilities to the ones who were more appropriate to do the job as knitting, designing scale models, measuring, planning, directing, piloting, etc.

The communication among them was always clear and effective because when a chicken did not understand what was said, the other explained in other words to make the message understandable, but nobody was left with misunderstandings.

As the chicken was always reflecting and thinking about their situation, she always was making the decisions about trying running away and the strategies to develop in order to reach that objective. Although nobody told her to be the leader, she had a great vision toward life that that was enough to give her the courage to fight for what she wanted: freedom for all of them and keep being alive.

All the chickens in the farm were very competitive because they were motivated for the objective they wanted to reach together. They had to do teamwork and had the same vision, but overall, believe in it in order to do a good job.

The rooster gave them a new hope to believe in, and they tried hard to do what he did: to fly. Another important character was the old rooster because he piloted the plane when nobody else knew how to do it.

1 comentario:

  1. what you said about the lady and the farmer were other good samples of leadership. you are right
