“Chicken run”
The movie was really fun.Bbecause of the time I could not watch it very well, however I got the most important points.
Here in this movie we can see a good example of things that can happen in real life and the kind of people that are in. We can observe people which have dreams but they can not manage the situation to obtain what they wish and other which have the skills to make thing happen . There needs to be somebody who has to lead them and is capable to develop ideas in order to reach what needs to be done.
The chicken had the spirit and a vision which motivated all the other to do what she wanted. They trusted at the end after several tries out. She gets what she wants at the end. We can locate this leadership in the “Goal or task orientation” because her dreams were about going out of that place, the farm, where she believed that they were trait in a bad way and was not worthy to be in.
The group of other chickens suits in the “contingency model” because the group matched somehow to the leader style which was to get out of there.
The other kind of leadership I could identify has to do with the rooster , which was saw by the chicken flying in the air. “Fiedler defining situation” the rooster because of the circumstances take advantage of its position to the chickens and make believe that he could fly. He was respected by the others because of that situation and his position as the boss of the group so they follow him.
We can say also that the rooster was charismatic somehow because he attracted all the ladies even when he was a fake, because he knew that he could not fly at all. Here we have a good example of what fake leaders make people do. He ran away when he sees that his false promise fell down.
Another type of leadership was when everyone was making the plane. The ability to articulate that idea into a plane, in other words, the vision. First she made everybody understand what she wanted to do and explained to them how to reach that goal, by making the plane.made things understandable.
At the same time she delegates the work among the entire group. Some people did the instruction for building the air plane and others to fly the plane, everything measured to their subordinates’ abilities.
In general I can say that this a good example of leadership made by the chicken. She had a dream or vision and then she tried to motivate all the time the others in order to improve her life, at least, and the other’s life. She observed things that needed to be changed and which she thought was the best for everybody. She made everybody believe in something different but better for everyone. She make the decisions all the time and convinced the other to follow her no matter the consequences because in this movie everything went all right but it could have ended up in a mess.
Her strong convictions was something that helps a lot when trying to change the environment where we live in. she had strong ideas and goals to reach even when some people can feel hopeless the leader motivates you to keep working on and not to give up.
Jorge Castañeda Rivas
Fer highlights one leadership characteristic I find interesting and helpful, I mean the part when Ginger explains and delegates. Leaders have to get the team involved in the whole process, and helping them understand what needs to be done is the first thing to do to achieve it.
ResponderEliminarI think that as Jorge said in this movie there are important aspects related to leadership (vision, motivation, and decision making) that everyone nterested in being a leader should take into account.