viernes, 10 de julio de 2009

Personal Analysis of Strategies By Fer

Analyzing two strategies
The two strategies I chose were Recognizing Teacher leaders and Identify Barriers. For me it is very important not only leaders and apply their job on a project but also recognize and appreciate it. Saying thanks and rewarding its effort would motivate them to continue working on their goals more convinced to what they are doing. When you thank people for what they do well something, usually make them feel motivated. Verbal support many times is more meaningful than giving prize and also put people away from the idea of giving up a project. I have learnt that when someone says:”keep working on”, “well done”, makes me fell satisfied.
On the other hand identifying obstacles for reaching what you want it is the best way for creating solutions. People find difficult to think of creating solutions to problems. They usually get shocked. Having skills for dealing with society, a community or any authority can make the difference for dying or living forever. Observing those barriers which discourage our leadership as teacher will provide a possible solutions, for example, time. The most common trouble teachers have to face when leading a classroom to have a successful learning is time. Lack of time can make us put off topics or even go ahead with the activities and lose some points of the curricula’s school. Planning is one of my strengths and by doing this you could gain more time for other matters at the school.
Jorge Castañeda.

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