jueves, 9 de julio de 2009

Leadership Quiz

Leadership Potential
You possess many of the personality traits of a leader. Research has shown that people who possess certain characteristics are more likely to emerge as leaders and experience greater success in such positions. A person who is naturally inclined to take charge is outgoing, enjoys interacting with others and is easy to get along with. He or she is also open-minded and able to adjust to different circumstances as well as accommodate others. In addition, a good leader follows rules, believes in him or herself, is organized and responsible, and also possesses significant emotional stability, which means that he or she is resilient and optimistic even in the face of difficult situations.

Reflection: Leadership Potential
Through the course we have done a lot of reflection and analyze related to what mean to be a leader, the characteristics that are part of a leader and the importance of a leader in the different organizations; in this part we have done a quiz where we have seen our potential as leaders. I am agree with the results of the quiz because I have characteristics of a leader as the result has showed a leader is someone who possess an open mind and like to be around people; I consider that I have characteristics of a leader and I’m writing these because through my life I had experiences where I was able to organize the people around me and motivated them to accomplish a specific goal. Being a leader is something that I personally consider important and vital to do a job and for us as teachers we need to behave and act as leaders because we have the responsibility to teach not only a specific subject but also we are teaching different aspects of the life. The quiz help me to see that everybody have at least some characteristics of a leader because as we have seen in the course before we can lead others, we have to be able to lead ourselves, knowing what we what and where we are going, a leader needs to have vision and trust in their objectives and believe in their own goals. I consider that I have this quality and I always try to remind and motivate myself to be a better person, student and in the future a better teacher; another quality that I consider I have as a leader is that I try always to get well with the people where I have to work and understand their feelings and respect their different personalities. As the result of the quiz has showed a leader needs to adapt to different situations and context. Finally I try to be respectful with my partners when I’m working in a group because sometimes is very difficult to start a group work because their exist different ideas and personalities that we need to consider and in this kind of situations I always do my best to listen the ideas of the whole group and I try to establish specific objectives and motivate my partners to reach our final goal. Be a leader is part of being a teacher and general speaking be a leader is part of being an excellent person.
Abelardo Velasco

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