miércoles, 8 de julio de 2009

Leadership test analysis by Jorge Varguez

The test showed me that i could be a good leader and that i do have the capacity. In terms of the tests when I started to answer each question I felt confident of myself and most of all I had to be honest to the test, because I can´t really know my leadership capabilities if I lie about most of the answers. Every question that I answered I had to analyze it very carefully in order to be precise on and sometimes I had to imagine myself in that position in order to have a good answer. The final score that I had was an 88 I felt a little bit disappointed at first but who knows maybe this score can change in a few years when I have more experience and then I can reevaluate myself to see how I have upgraded or degraded on my leadership personality. So in my point of view this test was of great motivation and very helpful to me and I hope on achieving all my goals I set in mind and also become a better person in life.

Snapshot Report
Leadership Potential
You possess all of the personality traits of a leader. You are likely extroverted, agreeable, open-minded, responsible and organized, and possess the confidence and resilience necessary to be a great leader. Research has shown that people who possess these characteristics are more likely to emerge as leaders and experience greater success in such positions.

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